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Comforting Essences for Cold Winter Days

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

It's raining! As a Californian I am rejoicing to see the rain, but it's easy to find it a nuisance when you're heading to work, or doing anything other than curling up on the couch. As I listened to the rain and wind thrash around this morning I decided to share with you some easy ways to find warmth and coziness throughout the day, even when you’re on the go. I hope you find as much comfort in these winter woe remedies as I do!

Cup of tea on a cold winter day

Rose Tea

There are few things that give me more comfort than a hot cup of tea. It may seem odd to add rose petals to tea, but trust me it’s amazing! It is no accident that roses are so visually appealing – we’re naturally drawn to the healing benefits of this beautiful flower. Roses nourish our organs, especially the skin, and leave you feeling lovely. The scent of rose is very uplifting, comforting, and protective. It helps to heal emotional wounds, and recover from feelings of sadness. If you can’t find rose tea near you, I have a couple of great resources. Kitchen Witch Gourmet’s Love Tea #3 is wonderful blend of green tea and rose. This blend is uplifting, peaceful, and perfect for throughout the day. One of my favorite herbalists and owner of A Thyme for Herbs shop in Arnold, CA, makes a beautiful blend that includes roses called Cosmic Wisdom. She also makes custom blends, so she’s a great contact to have!


Even though fall has come and gone, Cinnamon is a great essence to utilize throughout the winter months. Simply smelling Cinnamon has a warming effect on the body. It also promotes feelings of safety and security. I like to have this essence with me when I’m traveling, especially in the rain and wind. If I’m feeling cold, or even a little worried about traveling in the weather, I find Cinnamon to be very comforting. I recommend adding a couple drops to a cotton ball or small piece of paper and putting it in your car or purse. You’ll get a subtle release of scent and find instant comfort.


I love this herb year-round, but in the winter months it can be especially beneficial. If you’re feeling sluggish or in a mental fog, smelling rosemary (or eating it) can help clear it away. Rosemary is very soothing, purifying, and helps to clear the mind. Using an oil or mist that contains rosemary (especially mid-day), can be just what you need to get through the day. Additionally, Rosemary has wonderful antibacterial and antiviral properties, which helps to boost the immune system and keep those winter illnesses at bay. I find this essence to be especially helpful in the BASIC Serenity Oil. Oiling the skin can be a great way to promote circulation and bring warmth to the extremities. Want to take it up a notch? Oil your skin and then get into a warm bath. #purebliss


It took a while for me to warm up to the smell of Ylang-Ylang essential oil, but now that I have, I find it very uplifting and comforting, especially in the winter months or when I'm really feeling those winter blues. Ylang-Ylang is uplifting, hormone balancing, and great for promoting self-confidence. It’s also great for the skin! We've blended this warming essence in the BASIC Goddess of Love blend - I spritz this mist on my face, and even add a little to a warm bath. When I use this oil I feel secure, grounded, and loved.

Wishing you warmth and comfort this winter. Amidst the stormy days, try to find beauty in the greys and blues. Stay dry, and be warm.

With much love and peace,


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